As a continuing reader (of actual. genuine, paper books) I can confirm that you are looked at as some sort of weirdo by the vast majority of the population, when they can spare a second to look up from their glass screens.

Current reading:

- The June edition of Chronicles' magazine (okay, not strictly speaking a book);

- And "State of Emergency - Britain, 1970-74" by Dominic Sandbrook.

Apparently, if you travel on public transport (which I don't anymore), it's a great way to pick up women as they immediately identify you as being good breeding material (or something like that - I expect there's a book about it...ha, ha).

Anyway I'll keep on doing it until the good Lord calls me home.

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Dear Men of Leisure:

Books should be outlawed to prevent being educated beyond intelligence ending in embarrassing podcaster failures.

It all started with Cliffs Notes. After that everybody got lazy and it all turned to click bait.

How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler & Charles Van Dorn, revised 1972 isn't all that bad of a reference. Some might find the suggestion that they don't know how to read a book insulting.

The comment about contempory the number of writers and authors born 1980s having any literary influence on that generation with a despairingly desperate desire to change the world can name few.

As for the po white boy having the Protestant work ethic where hard work has its own reward not getting nickel for every page in a book he has read just might be a reason to live another day. That's something to sort out for each.

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Why don’t you monetize your Substack, fool?

You’re an interesting writer and I would be happy too support you.

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