Cripes. This is the first time ever, I've heard of this one. The Wonders of Communism stand in sharp contrast to the miracle Hitler had accomplished by about 1934.. But the same shadowy agencies responsible for The Russian Revolution and Bolshevism sure took care of that. 🤔 And of course neither Holodomor nor the Volga Famine could begin to compare to the evanescent "Holocaust"...🙄
FWIW, as a reasonably historically informed Russian, I can unfortunately testify to this topic, as well as the fate of Russian Germans generally*, being very much not part of public awareness here in Russia, either.
Would you say it is the same in the present-day BRD?
Ein Abkömmling eines Wevers
*Arguably much worse for Black See and Caucasus Germans
Couldn't have the time to learn about the famines and plights of ethnic Germans in the years before and after the war because it might offend "the Holocaust." Thank you for your great work and for sharing this
Cripes. This is the first time ever, I've heard of this one. The Wonders of Communism stand in sharp contrast to the miracle Hitler had accomplished by about 1934.. But the same shadowy agencies responsible for The Russian Revolution and Bolshevism sure took care of that. 🤔 And of course neither Holodomor nor the Volga Famine could begin to compare to the evanescent "Holocaust"...🙄
Thank you for covering this, Dr. Pohl!
FWIW, as a reasonably historically informed Russian, I can unfortunately testify to this topic, as well as the fate of Russian Germans generally*, being very much not part of public awareness here in Russia, either.
Would you say it is the same in the present-day BRD?
Ein Abkömmling eines Wevers
*Arguably much worse for Black See and Caucasus Germans
Couldn't have the time to learn about the famines and plights of ethnic Germans in the years before and after the war because it might offend "the Holocaust." Thank you for your great work and for sharing this